[ Ubuntu-BD ] Game emulator

Angel angel.fedora at gmail.com
Wed May 21 17:07:26 BST 2008

I didn't tell WINE is an emulator. But I understood, what Sameeul Bashir
wanted to know.

WINE is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and
Unix. Wine provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows sources
to Unix and a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows binaries to
run on x86-based Unixes. WINE is free and open source.

CEDEGA is not an Emulator also as well. Cedega (formerly known as WineX) is
TransGaming Technologies' proprietary fork of Wine (from when the license of
Wine wasn't the LGPL but the X11 license), which is designed specifically
for running games written for Microsoft Windows under Linux. As such, its
primary focus is implementing the DirectX API.

WineX was renamed to Cedega on the release of version 4.0 on June 22, 2004.

Though Cedega is mainly proprietary software, Transgaming does make part of
the source publicly available via CVS, under a mix of licenses.

2008/5/21 Masum Masum <a.h.m.masum at gmail.com>:

> WINE Is Not an EMulator
> --
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