[ Ubuntu-BD ] Fedora 9 Gives Ubuntu a Run For Its Money

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Wed May 14 00:06:05 BST 2008

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 4:57 AM, Masum Masum <a.h.m.masum at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> I have joined in this mailing list with the hope that -
> 1. I am a Novice Linux user so I'll get support from my local community.
> 2. Though support is available in the International forum but here I'll be
> able to express easily in my own language.
> 3. I'll be able to meet like minded people physically as we are in the
> same country
> 4. I'll get to know about any software developed in open source in my
> language
> 5. I'll be able to help other beginners with my little knowledge
> 6. As so many distro available I'll get to know the good and bad side of
> them and find suitable one for me.
> 7. Get to know the technical side of Linux OS.
> Unfortunately the mails I'm receiving is not very encouraging. Guys it's
> not a debate club. Plz share the knowledge and keep your superiority
> coimplex for somewhere else. Thanx.
I support Masum Vai. Enough is said here... lets save these debates for a
debate  competition. Or you may post your view in BLUA forum where thoughts
are open as long as you are not personally hurting anyone's feelings or
making outragious remarks about Bangalis or Bangladeshis..

Hummmmmm Special note to Russell vai, I have a great idea now :D. you were
saying our BLUA group has been inactive lately why not arrange a debete
competition>>?? it seems all the experts as well as the novices are eager to
have their views and voices be heard... So lets arrange it ;p what you say??

Thanking you
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