[ Ubuntu-BD ] Anti Ubuntu-BD propaganda

Nasimul Haque nasim.haque at gmail.com
Tue May 13 11:14:14 BST 2008

Wow! I am very much curious to read such mail. :P Please share some!


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:13 AM, Russell John <russell at linux.org.bd> wrote:
> Dear friends,
>  It has came to our attention that a marked group of people are
>  emailing Ubuntu Bangladesh members urging them not to participate on
>  our team activities.  This is indeed very alarming, as they are making
>  false allegations against us in order to destroy our team image.
>  Therefor, my request to you is: if you receive any emails with anti
>  Ubuntu-BD propaganda, then please forward it to me.  I'll compile and
>  eventually make these hate mails available for everyone to read.
>  Hoping for your support,
>  Russell
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M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

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