[ Ubuntu-BD ] Fedora-bangladesh-list

Omi Azad me at omiazad.net
Sun May 11 19:19:51 BST 2008

Well Said Tarin,



Tarin Mahmood wrote:
> I guess Omi bhai was putting an end to the Fedora Vs. Ubuntu debate, 
> but I'll add something that I think everyone missing.
> I'll clear my position here first, I love Linux, I love the freedom in 
> it. Currently I use Ubuntu cause I've became used to it. I've also 
> used Redhat , Fedora 1-8 and I know my ins and out of both of the distros.
> Now I should point out some information
> Canonical (Ubuntu's Sponsor) also provides paid supports 
> <http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid> and if you don't want to pay you 
> go to the community, Its all the same with Redhat, if you want 
> dedicated support you go for paid service if not then go to the 
> Community. Yes Fedora also have a good community.
> But at the end the paid service is mostly useful for Large 
> corporations and companies.
> Don't forget, every corporation is in it for money.
>     I am not stereotyping Fedora, but seriously I dont see there is
>     any necessity of this distro anymore :)
>     Debian and Mandriva (former mandrake) are much more matured than
>     this one, even you can conside Suse too -
> I had to point out this comment, cause I think I have to.
> You are getting it all wrong. Linux is all about community and working 
> together. Red-hat implements something Ubuntu adopts it and Vise 
> versa. Without this community work Linux wouldn't have came this far. 
> So every one is important. So for the sake of Linux, Fedora should 
> exists, so should Ubuntu and other thousands of distros, cause anyone 
> contribute anything in the end it that helps each and every one of us.
> because it didn't worked for you, doesn't meant it will not work for 
> others, it works. Thousands of servers runs on Fedora/Redhat. Fedora 
> have a big user base. Where I work, the server is a Fedora 8 server 
> and it works, its damn solid.
> Fedora is more matured then most of the distros you mentioned except 
> Debian.
> I like redhat because, Red hat have been giving us their OS for free 
> for a Long long time and mind it their contribution to Linux is 
> undeniable and huge. And They still have a big part in Linux's 
> development and they will have for a long time to come.
> Mandriva and Suse are corporate maggots from whome I think I would 
> stay away, I don't remember Mandriva ever contribute something 
> mentionable to the OSS and while Suse contribution is awesome (Compiz, 
> silverlight etc.) they are sold to MS.
> I agree yum sucks, but its a new system (w/r to apt) so it needs time. 
> As far I remember their developers are working for an unified 
> repository, once its completed, most of the dependency problems will 
> be solved. I've used Fedora 8 and I have to say it was solid. Only 
> problem was the package manager. but the improvement between Yum(f7) 
> and yum(f8) was very impressive. and in fedora 9 they are reworking 
> the GUI too which looks nicer then the 7/8 's package manager.
> Its not very reasonable to say one distro sucks or another distro is 
> boss. cause in the core all are the same, They are all built a top of 
> Linux kernel, they are all the same to me
> Bye



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