[ Ubuntu-BD ] problem updating linux-image-2.6.24-*

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Thu Jun 19 21:18:55 BST 2008

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 2:07 AM, Russell John <russell.john at ubuntu.com>

> he pasted it on pastebin as I asked him to do so.  Pastebins
> retain character spacing making it very legible to read.  On the other
> hand, pasting outputs/config files/scripts/logs on the mail body makes
> it look ugly and often illegible.  Pastebins are mostly used on IRC
> because pasting large text can be annoying to other users and helpers
> on a busy channel, and more importantly the user will get disconnected
> from the server for excess flood if the text is too long.  It is not
> forbidden, but rather discouraged.

humm I agree with Russell vai over here... pastebins are not only for the
irc channels.. I also use it to take helps from experienced people... and I
think it is perfectly normal to use pastebins as long as its appropriate
contents... mailing long texts may not serve my purpose... for quick patch
and lookup and reference I like pastebins...

you may use it for any purposes... but be sure... do not post spams.. or
make them last for one days.. unless your problem is still unsolved...

Thanking you

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