[ Ubuntu-BD ] Top or bottom posting [was Google App Engine]
Nasimul Haque
nasim.haque at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 15:36:02 BST 2008
When you reply to a message part by part. You should (must!) use top
posting. But when you are replying for a whole post as one. It's
better to post without including the original whole post at the top.
Only summary or part of the original text makes a netiquette not the
whole post including signature and advertisements. That makes the
email impossible to find.
For example, for this reply I added RE: in the subject and writing
against the concept as a whole. Therefore I do not need to quote
anything. However, if you take a look at a previous discussion we've
made on this list titled "Hardy bitterness". You'll see what is bottom
posting ;). Bottom or top posting does not mean quote the whole
message, rather put the right context and reply on that only. Neither
top nor bottom posting with whole message is nice. :(
M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK
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