[Ubuntu-BD] OT: Competition: submit-- BLUA LOGO & MOTO

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Mon Dec 22 16:07:45 GMT 2008

Hello all

our current BLUA slogan is
"Dedicated in promoting Linux, open source, and open source standards
throughout Bangladesh."

which I think is too long not strong and definitely not catchy....

so guessing if we can have new Moto for BLUA group?? while on the moto.. for
some months we were also considering to change our BLUA logo...

Therefore why not have a competition for BLUA LOGO & MOTO?

*Competition Title:*

Open (open source preferred)

*Submission Date:*
Dec 26th (might change)

*Winner Declare Date:*
Dec 27th (one day after the close of submission date)

*Prizes (for LOGO Only):*
* 1st Prize:*
a) Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) Repository
b) Prize money of 500Tk (sorry don't have any sponsor... any donation for
this purpose??)
c) Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) DvD (when released in April'09)

* 2nd Prize:*
a) Ubuntu/Kubuntu 8.10 (intrepid Ibex) DvD
b) Prize money of 200Tk (any donation again?)
c) Ubuntu/Kubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) DVD (when released in April'09)

From 3rd to 5th position (if *submission number>10*) will get Ubuntu/Kubuntu
9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) CD supplied to them free of cost once released.

*Moto Requirements:*
a) should not be more than 5 words
b) needs to be catchy
c) can not be offensive
d) should represent our purpose (even if ambiguously)
e) needs to be original
f) can be funny but not necessarily needed
g) licensing issues (any need to explain?)
h) Language: One English Moto & one Bengali Moto

*Logo Requirements:*
a) should represent tux (Linux),  open source logo
b) should use open font
c) if possible should represent Bangladesh (at least green & red color)
d) again original idea
e) licensing issues
f) must submit the source file of the logo
g) logo could be animated one (for use on the forum/sites), but not
h) must Include BLUA (even if in small font)
i) Language: English Logo (could be in Bengali too)

Standard Notifications:

   - Winners will be declared based on creativity by the admin panel of BLUA
   - All submission must be provided without any restrictions
   (licensing/modification what so-ever)
   - Once submitted License of the submitted material will be CC: by-nc-nd
   (in other words: submission might become property of BLUA which might not be
   available for tha usage of any other group beside BLUA)
   - BLUA Admin Panel holds the right to reject any submission without prior
   notice, also to Cancel the program without prior notice (in the case of
   cancellation (which is unlikely) of the competition all submitted materials
   will be returned.)
   - Name of the winners will be featured on the BLUA site & Forum

Thanking you

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance http://linux.org.bd

Marketing & Contents Officer, Ubuntu Bangladesh http://www.ubuntu-bd.org

Endorsement: আমাদের প্রযুক্তি ফোরাম http://forum.amaderprojukti.com/ and
মুক্ত.অর্গ http://mukto.org

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