[Ubuntu-BD] Discussion and planning on RBL linux distro

Shahriar Tariq shahriar at linux.org.bd
Wed Dec 10 08:54:34 GMT 2008

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 5:32 AM, Mohammad Bhuyan <nuxser at gmail.com> wrote:

> Following this thread, I felt that the only problem stopping main 3 from
> the perfect solution for BD is the online repos. I guess that where the
> focus should be. If it were my initiative, then I would focus on creating:
> 1. A repo DVD containing all the mainstream apps required (ensuring
> dependencies) provided with a nice graphical manual to use that repo DVD.
> 2. Local mirrors to actual repos.
> And then I will leave the rest to the users.
> Now coming to the practical aspects of make this project happening and
> sustained (what happen when people like you with lots of enthu gets busy
> with life?):
> 1. Approach the Telcos to provide sponsorship. They get their logo on the
> repo DVD, project website etc.
> 2. Approach ISPs for sponsorship on mirror hosting.
> Or use combination of Telco and ISP sponsorship for supporting the project.
> I could give a detail plan, but only if it makes its appeal to you.
> Finally, in case you are really interested to make you distro from scratch,
> the best place is:
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/

Thanks Soyuz Bhai :)

Yes we do want to have the repo, but there are also few points to be noted:

1) when it is heard to get the original Ubuntu repo it will be tougher to
get customized repo.
2) even if we manage to build 5-6 dvd repo will it be convenient or feasible
to go with the project? ( I mean going with one or two dvd is ok, but will
people buy/get all 5-6 DvDs unless they are really interested?)

Hopefully those two question won't hold us back.

Yes sponsor is really important in terms of logistic or funding.. anyway we
see it its really required..

Thanking you

Volunteer, Bangladesh Linux Users Alliance http://linux.org.bd

Marketing & Contents Officer, Ubuntu Bangladesh http://www.ubuntu-bd.org

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