[Ubuntu-BD] Help needed about hosting a web page

Hafiz Imtiaz eee.imtiaz at gmail.com
Wed Dec 3 17:20:22 GMT 2008

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 11:11 PM, 9el <lenin at phpxperts.net> wrote:
> Well, you can try this as well.  www.000webhost.com 1.5GB free space 15000GB
> B/W

I have tried this. But they asks to download a small program
'ip_confirm.exe' which my Avira antivirus detects as a virus.

I have also tried 110MB.com. But for some reasons I failed to sync
MySQL database with their server. Each time I want to visit the web
page, it shows an error messae.

Hafiz Imtiaz
PH: 01915698207

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