[ Ubuntu-BD ] kubuntu-7.04 DVD

Participatory Research & Action Network-PRAN pranbd at bttb.net.bd
Mon May 7 04:35:45 BST 2007

Dear Friends
Have any driver for internal modem and DVD player for Ubuntu in yours collection.
How can I got it?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: raihan hasnain 
  To: Ubuntu Bangladesh 
  Sent: Monday, May 07, 2007 12:07 AM
  Subject: Re: [ Ubuntu-BD ] kubuntu-7.04 DVD

  for a bunch of Kubuntu DVD image mirrors ... go here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Mirrors#head-a9c742076ad7dc38fca1c2f08e7796308dfc28dd 

  if the above link does not work ... try this, it has the list of all Kubuntu CD/DVD images mirror

  for Ubuntu DVD seekers, don't worry, you also have a mirror list

  if the above link doesn't work ... try this

  happy downloading.

  Note for Emon: I'll be downloading the Ubuntu DVD soon, but as I (or neither my friends and teachers) don't use Kubuntu so wont be downloading it.

  On 5/6/07, Emon <emon at lavabit.com> wrote:
    Salam everyone

    I found some Kubuntu DVD images here


    Is this correct??

    If so is any one interested in downloding it?? I don't have broadband
    connection so it would be a real help


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