Proposal: sunset the backports pockets

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Mon Jul 19 15:16:30 UTC 2021

On 2021-07-19 16:49, Robie Basak wrote:
> On the social/governance side, as far as I understand, the Ubuntu
> Backporters Team is delegated authority over the backports pocket,
> and nobody should be uploading/approving to the backports pocket
> without adherence to their process. If I'm wrong, I am happy to be
> corrected. If any core dev is _supposed_ to be able to upload
> backports, or otherwise bypass review by the Ubuntu Backporters Team,
> then that should be documented and we need some process to at least
> set some expectations around what qualifies, etc.

Is there any reason to treat backports different from SRUs in this respect?

If I have upload rights for a package, I can also upload to the SRU 
queue. When doing so, I'm supposed to take pains that the upload and 
related bug report comply with the SRU policy, to facilitate the review 
by an SRU team member. Same ought to apply IMO when uploading to the 
backports queue. It's not about bypassing the review.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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