[Bug 50477] Re: Please backport newer rhythmbox to dapper-backports

Lionel Le Folgoc lionel.lefolgoc at free.fr
Thu Nov 16 01:30:22 GMT 2006

Just tried with 0.9.6-0ubuntu4 version in an up-to-date dapper-pbuilder:
 -> Considering  libnautilus-burn-dev (>= 2.15.3)
      Tried versions: 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 2.14.1-0ubuntu2
   -> Does not satisfy version, not trying
E: Could not satisfy build-dependency.

libnautilus-burn-dev is too old in dapper (and I am not sure it can be
backported without breaking gnome).

Please backport newer rhythmbox to dapper-backports

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