Taper off Hoary, prepare Breezy...

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 9 18:01:17 CDT 2005

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 07:27:44PM -0400, John Dong wrote:
> Matt, you once alluded (at the end of the Backports meeting) to plans for 
> implementing binary copies, the equivalent of our -staging tree. Does that 
> appear like it'd happen by the end of October? That'd be great to have, 
> since we don't have the resources to build packages for all architectures 
> for testing. We've seen cases (nvu is a good example) where a package works 
> fine on one architecture but crashes on another. Without a testing 
> repository, it's difficult to find these things out before they contaminate 
> our stable tree.

That project doesn't even have a specification yet; it definitely won't be
ready by October.  We'll plan on working out the spec in Montreal.  It's
something that we want for ourselves, too, but it's not straightforward to
implement and will take some time and consideration.

> Also, to developers (forward to the appropriate contact): Can we get 
> breezy-backports lines in Breezy's default sources.list, only commented out 
> with a disclaimer (sort of like how Universe is there)? That way, users can 
> simply check a checkbox to activate Backports instead of using text editors 
> and cut & pasting long URL's.

I see no problem with this; please file a bug in Bugzilla (Severity:
enhancement) for tracking it, and CC me on the bug.

> Other than that, I think Backports is top-notch now. Together, we've made a 
> great distribution even better by offering high-quality version updates with 
> minimal stability problems.

We're glad to be working more closely with the backports team now.  Thanks
to everyone involved for their efforts.

 - mdz

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