Distributing Java

Reinhard Tartler siretart at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 15:16:02 CDT 2005

On 10/17/05, John Dong <jdong at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hey, I'm pretty busy recently, and need some help from the community for
> making Java packages.
>  It looks legal to have the user download the .bin package from Sun (so it's
> gonna be an interactive deb), and place it in /tmp, then have java-package
> process a deb, and somehow get that .deb to install (most likely extracted
> and data.tar.gz unpacked into /root, since you can't call dpkg -i in the
> middle of a dpkg operation).
>  If someone would like to take a look into that, I'd greatly appreciate it!

We already have a package named "java-package" in both hoary and
breezy, which does exactly that. I think this is what you mean.

The users needs to download the package themselves, because sun
insists that the users sees the licence agreement. It is therefore
perhaps not legal to redistribute a direct download link (I am not a
lawyer, but better safe than sorry, imo)

I think the current solution wie have with java package is sufficient.
Do you disagree? Can you please rephrase your question, because I
think I did not understand you completly.


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