No subject

Thu Jun 12 23:09:36 BST 2008

*   ok 3: add another remote

* expecting success: 
	cd test &&
	git remote rm second

*   ok 4: remove remote

* expecting success: 
	cd test &&
	tokens_match origin "$(git remote)" &&
	check_remote_track origin master side &&
	git for-each-ref "--format=%(refname)" refs/remotes |
	sed -e "/^refs\/remotes\/origin\//d" >actual &&
	>expect &&
	diff -u expect actual

*   ok 5: remove remote

* passed all 5 test(s)
*** ***
* expecting success: 
	echo >file original &&
	git add file &&
	git commit -a -m original
Created initial commit cbb6564: original
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 file
*   ok 1: setup

* expecting success: 
	git clone . one &&
	cd one &&
	echo >file updated by one &&
	git commit -a -m "updated by one" &&
	cd .. &&
	git clone . two &&
	cd two &&
	git config branch.master.remote one &&
	git config ../one/.git/ &&
	git config refs/heads/master:refs/heads/one &&
	cd .. &&
	git clone . three &&
	cd three &&
	git config branch.master.remote two &&
	git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/one &&
	mkdir -p .git/remotes &&
		echo "URL: ../two/.git/"
		echo "Pull: refs/heads/master:refs/heads/two"
		echo "Pull: refs/heads/one:refs/heads/one"
	} >.git/remotes/two &&
	cd .. &&
	git clone . bundle

Initialized empty Git repository in /build/buildd/git-core-
0 blocks
Created commit 386573c: updated by one
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
Initialized empty Git repository in /build/buildd/git-core-
0 blocks
Initialized empty Git repository in /build/buildd/git-core-
0 blocks
Initialized empty Git repository in /build/buildd/git-core-
0 blocks
*   ok 2: clone and setup child repos

* expecting success: 
	cd "$D" &&
	echo >file updated by origin &&
	git commit -a -m "updated by origin" &&
	cd two &&
	git fetch &&
	test -f .git/refs/heads/one &&
	mine=`git rev-parse refs/heads/one` &&
	his=`cd ../one && git rev-parse refs/heads/master` &&
	test "z$mine" = "z$his"

Created commit dba8a85: updated by origin
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

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