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Yep Sundays are usually quiet for me.<br>
On 10/05/11 22:09, Joel Pickett wrote:
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I'd like to add my two cents and suggest the meeting is held on
Sunday evenings, either 7pm AEST or 8pm.<br>
On 10/05/11 21:41, Cary Bielenberg wrote:
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For me Tuesday nights are a show stopper, I'm stating for
informational purposes & not an excuse to change the night.<br>
On 10/05/11 21:05, Jared Norris wrote:
type="cite">Good evening all,<br>
As has been apparent over the last few meetings the numbers
are actually dwindling instead of building. This brings the
obvious question, what can we do to try and get more people
together for these meetings? I'm open to discussing all ideas
that anyone might have. Move the time, move the date, change
the format, whatever is going to get more people to actually
attend and contribute. <br>
Ideas anyone? <br>
<br clear="all">
Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)<br>
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<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
If I agreed with you We'd both be wrong! -- Anon </div>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
If I agreed with you We'd both be wrong!
-- Anon </div>