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Hi all,<BR>
I need some help compiling smolt for Ubuntu. I don't normally compile for Linux, as most programs I need are available from Synaptic Package Manager. Smolt is a little bit different, as it's only available in source code, or prebuilt packages for RPM-based systems. I spoke with the creator, and he said that at one point there was an unofficial package for Ubuntu, but not anymore. So I want to compile Smolt for Ubuntu, and then submit it to be added by Canonical. But there is one problem. In the tarball, there is no configure file. I have already tried autoconf, but it gives an error about needing an input file. Does anyone know what file I'm supposed to give to autoconf to make it work? If you want to look through the source code, <A HREF="https://fedorahosted.org/releases/s/m/smolt/">https://fedorahosted.org/releases/s/m/smolt/</A> is where it is hosted.