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Im certainly interested in this idea, its easy to do, helps ubuntu out, and helps the ubuntu-au members to get to know each other. Although iv never triaged a bug before, im willing to give it a shot and help others in the process.<div><br></div><div>Ryan Macnish<br><br>> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 23:59:34 +1000<br>> From: mitch.towner.ubuntu@gmail.com<br>> To: ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> Subject: Proposal - Ubuntu-AU BugJams<br>> <br>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----<br>> Hash: SHA1<br>> <br>> In the IRC meeting it was agreed that we need to work together<br>> collaboratively. One thing that we can do together is have an online<br>> BugJam. This basically entails working together as a team on helping to<br>> improve bug reports in Ubuntu's bug tracker - Launchpad [1]. If there is<br>> enough interest/participation, Ubuntu-AU BugJams would initially be<br>> every 2 months with the possibility or changing it to once a month in<br>> the future.<br>> <br>> Many "not-so-technically-minded" people tend to shy away from this idea,<br>> however it is actually easier to help out than it sounds! The whole idea<br>> of "bug triage" is to improve bug reports. This can be performed in many<br>> different ways.<br>> <br>> A *large* percentage of the bugs triagers have to deal with are not<br>> assigned to the right package - a fair number do not have any package<br>> assigned to them at all! One of the easiest ways to get involved in bug<br>> triage is to simply look at [2] (a list of bugs that are not assigned to<br>> a package) & assigning the bug report to the right package. Currently<br>> there are 3165 bugs that need to be assigned to the right package. A<br>> great resource that helps with this is [3]. There are also plenty of<br>> helpful & friendly people in the #ubuntu-bugs IRC channel channel [4]<br>> who are willing to offer assistance with trying to find the correct<br>> package for a bug report.<br>> <br>> Another way that people who are new to bug triage can help out is by<br>> confirming bugs are still valid by trying to reproduce them with the<br>> latest version of the package that the bug is reported against. A good<br>> way to get started with confirming bug reports is to focus on a package<br>> that you are familiar with. Try to reproduce bug reports filed against<br>> an older version of the package to see if the issue still exists in the<br>> latest version of the package. Go to [5] to search for bugs in a<br>> specific package.<br>> <br>> More detailed Bug Triage information can be found in the Bug Squad<br>> Knowledge Base [6] & the "How to Triage" wiki page [7].<br>> <br>> For those interested in participating in an Ubuntu-AU BugJam, please<br>> reply to this list. Once we get an idea of the number of people<br>> interested in participating, we can organise finer details such as a<br>> date, if an online "how to triage" class would be beneficial, if people<br>> who are local should meet face-to-face & have everyone collaborate<br>> online, etc, etc.<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> [1]        https://launchpad.net/<br>> [2]        http://is.gd/bWXr8<br>> [3]        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage<br>> [4]        http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-bugs<br>> [5]        https://bugs.launchpad.net/<br>> [6]        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase<br>> [7]        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage<br>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)<br>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/<br>> <br>> iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJL8Uu/AAoJENegJk0fbKNMnucIAILaw7ch4Se3602Eywc8xIf9<br>> cU8gMWx1WJ1xHiBs++2U/2NFjjCVPVD19IUQfwhd0Acm+obwVGqQvPIGK0IzQUtX<br>> ALJdjHcWGhh/PbpWS/PaRj0nw5Iw0I/Qn9+rb1DZNqJTmEVIVxcv7COuEetL1C82<br>> 5/8kMYrGUIoQn3R7UVdoeNTbmmt4rs2kVEVDSCoibPEEmX3RNiMoGCEJr/BrzmwV<br>> 5WUpAab/DPzWyGqzGRcpPa1JNhPdFaDhEBiEuo3/Fjt1XcX+CluRi+JQ06utqxiV<br>> s1gQsj2zLer2hHa1A7d36fvc8LqvefNv2iqr0yxAO9tbRbsa7YNIQfteyJ0gwDA=<br>> =GiDS<br>> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>> <br>> -- <br>> ubuntu-au mailing list<br>> ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au<br></div>                                            <br /><hr />Find it at CarPoint.com.au <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/NMN/go/206222968/direct/01/' target='_new'>New, Used, Demo, Dealer or Private?</a></body>