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On Sun, 2010-05-16 at 14:19 +1000, Paul Gear wrote:<BR>
Hi folks,<BR>
I've been reading most of the discussion over the last few days with a heavy heart. What we're doing at the moment is proving that the LoCo council were right to deny us re-approval.<BR>
I <B><I>beg</I></B> everyone who has posted over the last week to make a concerted effort:
<LI>to see the best in other people
<LI>NOT to be offended when others don't see the best in you
<LI>to make suggestions that are reasonable
<LI>NOT to be offended when others don't see your suggestions as reasonable
<LI>to do things which bring our community together
<LI>NOT to call attention to those actions which pull our community apart
<LI>to suggest good ideas and make positive steps to see them become reality
<LI>to applaud and congratulate others when they have good ideas
<LI>NOT to seek credit or desire applause for your own good ideas
<LI>to re-read the Ubuntu Code of Conduct (<A HREF="http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct">http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct</A>) and think about how you can better live up to it
<LI>NOT to point out (or even <I>notice</I>) when others are not meeting the code of conduct
<LI>to be patient with slow, incremental progress
<LI>to disagree with others only where <I>absolutely necessary</I>, and do it off-list, and respectfully
Perhaps a way to summarise all of the above would be:
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=1>Do the right thing
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=2>Reward those who do the right thing with your attentiveness and support
<LI TYPE=1 VALUE=3>Ignore those who are doing the wrong thing
There won't be progress towards re-approval without <I>everyone</I> putting their hurt feelings and egos in the back seat for the good of the community.<BR>
It is for this exact reason I've kept quite today! firstly, making sure that what I felt is correct and the best approach, clearly some disagree with me, I did expect this as after all we are all Human and we do think differently! So I'm a sponge for information and I've had a few emails directed at me offering their thoughts/advice towards my conduct over the last few days. I'm not aiming for an "ego trip" or the keys to the asylum! I just want something to start working with, So I'd like the IRC meeting to be treated as a "Brainstorm" not a this is what "I" want thing. We need to establish the goals of what/who we are to be before we can decide how take on the task.<BR>
I totally agree that /Ego's/Anger/Whatever/ have no future place in this type of discussion... <BR>
As I used to say to the people I managed there's no <B>I</B> in <B>TEAM</B> <IMG SRC="cid:1273986246.2672.11.camel@scott-desktop" ALIGN="middle" ALT=";)" BORDER="0"><BR>
<B>Scott Evans VK7HSE</B><BR>
<B>Phone: +61362291658</B><BR>
<B>Mobile: +61417586157</B><BR>
<B>Skype: vk7hse</B><BR>
<B><A HREF="mailto:scott@vk7hse.hobby-site.org">scott@vk7hse.hobby-site.org</A></B><BR>
<B><A HREF="http://www.vk7hse.hobby-site.org">http://www.vk7hse.hobby-site.org</A></B><BR>
<B>PGP/GPG Key ID 2B8CA152</B>