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Dave Hall wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid:1269070785.10537.68.camel@possum.skwashd.lan"
<pre wrap="">Hi Paul,
On Sat, 2010-03-20 at 17:14 +1000, Paul Gear wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Melissa Draper wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">Do you have a blog? Does it occasionally mention Ubuntu?
If you answered yes to both of those questions, then congratulations!
Your blog qualifies for a listing on the Ubuntu Australian Team blog
syndication feed at <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://planet.ubuntu.org.au">http://planet.ubuntu.org.au</a>!
Those with existing listings on the Ubuntu-Au planet that need the URL
updated (I'm looking at you, Ben and Harrison) or a picture added should
also heed this invitation and send relevant information to me.
<pre wrap="">To those people who already have a blog on planet: it would be really
great if you could provide Melissa with a URL that filters out articles
on your blog that are not about Linux & Ubuntu. I grabbed the RSS feed
and found some stuff that i consider (how can i put it nicely?)
<pre wrap=""><!---->
I'm not sure which items you are referring to. I just looked at the
front page and I could only find 1 item which I thought had no
connection to Ubuntu or FOSS.
If this is to be new policy for the planet, feel free to remove my blog.
I have no ability to set policy for the planet. It was only a
suggestion. And your blog was one of the most relevant.<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1269070785.10537.68.camel@possum.skwashd.lan"
<pre wrap="">I have stated in another thread recently that I have no interest in
tagging items specifically for the ubuntu-au planet. A lot of my stuff
is broadly related to FOSS, and you will also get some random stuff too.
The same policy applies to the LA planet.
Stuff that is broadly related to FOSS makes sense. Apollo missions and
open letters to TV stations seem to me to be a little hard to classify
as FOSS-related. Maybe i missed something in the content, because as
soon as i started reading some of those key words, my brain
automatically went into "skim mode"...<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1269070785.10537.68.camel@possum.skwashd.lan"
<pre wrap="">Take the good with the bad, that is the beauty of a free for all planet.
If you don't like the planet content you are free to unsubscribe then
(optionally) subscribe to the relevant tag/s feeds of the blogs on the
planet you are interested in.
It's all well and good to say "if you don't like it, don't subscribe",
but then i have to ask: who are we hoping to benefit by running it? Is
it just to drive more hits to our individual blogs? I don't subscribe
because all these people are my mates and i want to know what they are
thinking about. I subscribe to get news relevant to the Ubuntu-AU