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Dear Melissa,<BR>
not being a team member yet I am looking to spread the word. Talking with teachers, parents and friends about Ubuntu, installing Ubuntu for friends to have a trial etc., help them as good as I can with troubleshooting, that's the way I try to win people for UBUNTU. Also for professional applications as far as suitable, we plan in next future to install embedded Ubuntu or other LINUX OS on industrial tablet PCs.<BR>
Well I have some criticism, first, I have to say that for a long time the home page was looking deserted. There were still news from 2007 or 2008 on - even we had already 2009. After that I didn't had a look on the web page for a longer time, just recently I was coming back and had seen some improvement. The membership application seems still to be difficult. I am still not sure whether I did it right, because I did not heard anything anymore from the Ubuntu team, the membership is still pending. I launched the application on the Ubuntu Australia Launchpad, but there I stay for now more or less 3 month as pending. A previous membership application end 2007 just disappeared. Is it because my email address is ending with .web.de which suggest I am from Germany? Yes I am from Germany, but living and working in Australia since more than 3 years now. I just kept my private email, because all my international friends knows it and I am too lazy to change everything around. You all are locked up with your job and it's hard find time for other things, may be that's the reason that it takes such long for membership approvals. But it is a kind of respect to give the applicants a short notice that the approval is received and/or in process and that it will take some time.<BR>
In regard to Trade Shows, Expos, demos etc. there should be some general marketing plan in place. That also will give the local teams here in Australia a kind of guideline and help to make their work more efficient. Whom we want to target, governmental and community authorities, educational institutions, students, elderly people, professionals or private users in general or whom else? Depending on each individual user group we have to start to work out the needs that people have and compare it with what we can offer. Out of that we can start to work on marketing strategies. In my opinion we have to tailor first a general marketing strategy and than fork it to reach the different user groups with different approaches. We can not just put them all in one pot, we have to see their individual requirements. A further, for me very important aspect is, to be not just focused on Ubuntu, sorry to say it, that is for the most of the users just an alternative OS system to get the PC running, what people really want that are the applications which are going with the respective OS system. Coming from the MS world, they are not used that there is a bundle of user packages bundled with the OS. Even UBUNTU is free, we have to see it as a product we have to sell and act accordingly.<BR>
Seeing it from the professional point of view, if you are able to present aside the already achieved results a marketing plan, with goals, scheduled achievements and supporting activities it should be fine.<BR>
I am not sure whether you already have a Australian marketing team or not. I am looking to contribute with marketing ideas and support. I would appreciate if you could inform me in regard to the contact of the Australian Marketing team.<BR>
Sorry, that I could not really give an answer you are looking for, but take it as an input, <BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
<B>From</B>: Melissa Draper <<A HREF="mailto:Melissa%20Draper%20%3cmelissa@meldraweb.com%3e">melissa@meldraweb.com</A>><BR>
<B>To</B>: <A HREF="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</A><BR>
<B>Subject</B>: Reapproval time<BR>
<B>Date</B>: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 21:23:35 +1100<BR>
Apparently some time next month (TBA) the team will be going through an
approval process with the LoCo Council.
Since we've not had proper meetings for a while and I've not been the
type to micromanage, you all tend do your thing under the auspices of
the team without any documentation.
So this thread is your invitation to note what you've done as a
participant of this team.
While "converted acquaintance/friend/relative to ubuntu" are good
things, they're really not useful here. Trade shows, expos, talks,
demos, etc are the kinds of things I'm guessing that the LoCo Council
will be looking for.
Melissa Draper
w: <A HREF="http://meldraweb.com">http://meldraweb.com</A> & <A HREF="http://geekosophical.net">http://geekosophical.net</A>
p: +61 4 0472 2736