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Thank you Sean, you have given a good balanced reply! I was generalising instead of forcing my POV! But you have raised some good points, I myself am a GNOME user but it wasn't always that way, quite a few years back when I was tinkering with Red Hat (8) I was a KDE die hard (um if you called someone that insisted on dual booting a die hard!) anyway... I only started using GNOME once I started to use Ubuntu, although I have had KDE 4.x installed at some points, I've tended to always gravitate back to GNOME. Again this is the advantage of that "Freedom" we have a Linux users! I suppose to that for the developers of a given desktop environment it's really a case of maintaining some "Identity" after all this is what makes each of them unique.<BR>
I suppose where I was attempting to come from when I mentioned "too much choice" I was thinking more of the "Marketing" aspect, that is if you had to select say the 10 best things about Linux some of us wouldn't hesitate to answer! but this really does come back to what you use your Linux for, some would only want to use it because they can! but then you also have it where some of us use Linux because we choose to! there is a big difference in those two cases.<BR>
As to "Big question. How could this 'merge' happen?" Hmm... that I think is going to be difficult although there is a fair amount of cross compatibility between GNOME & KDE but its not to the level that you have mentioned though.<BR>
<B>Scott Evans VK7HSE</B><BR>
<B>Phone: +61362291658</B><BR>
<B>Mobile: +61417586157</B><BR>
<B>Skype: vk7hse</B><BR>
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