<br><font size="4">To Mr Terry & Mrs Kath Martin (in Tasmania) <br>and the Ubuntu Linux Yahoo Group.<br><br>Hello Ubuntu people :-)))<br><br>I'm forwarding (below) a message I sent to the Australian Ubuntu e-mail list and friends of mine, Terry & Kath. Maybe someone else is having this problem (I have seen some messages on the Linux Mint forum about people having the same problem -- however I could not make any sense of the reply messages!!! ;-)<br>
<br>If someone knows how I could fix this problem; would you please be kind enough to <u>provide step-by-step instructions</u>... as, although I do know a lot about computers, I still regard myself as a Ubuntu Mint beginner -- and I am a little concerned about stuffing up my computer and not making it work properly... which has happening to me in the past.<br>
<br>Fond Regards and I Wish EveryOne and All a Sincerely Happy and prosperous New Year for 2009 !!! *BIG SMILE*<br><br>With Love,<br><br>PEW { poet, creative computer user, self-publisher and Christian !!! }<br>***SMILE***<br>
<br>{ I believe that the 'proverbial glass' is half-full, not half-empty!!! }<br><br>from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.<br><br></font><div class="gmail_quote"><font size="4">---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>
From: <b class="gmail_sendername">Peter Williams</b> <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:pewtas@gmail.com">pewtas@gmail.com</a>></span><br>Date: 2009/1/4<br>Subject: Help!!! Music player Amarok has error about "DCOP communications"<br>
To: <a href="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br></font><br><br><font size="4">Hi Everyone,<br><br>Firstly, I'll like to wish everybody here a sincerely Happy New Year for 2009 and all "Yuletide Seasons Greetings" *BIG HAPPY SMILE!!!*<br>
<br>Okay.. here's my problem. I'm using Linux Mint Operating System & I think that its great!!! I also use Amarok music player and I have a lot of music files which I've 'ripped' from my music cds which I own. I returned home yesterday afternoon (3rd January 2009) from having a great holiday with my mum & dad in Victor Harbour, South Australia.<br>
<br>My dad has a new computer system and he uses M$ Windowz XP Professional OS. He's having quite a few problems with it -- but I've tried to help him. *SMILE*<br><br>Anyway... last night I switched on my computer and started Amarok (latest version, I think). And I had my computer play music thru' my Dell brand 2 x speakers and "harmon/kardon" sub-woofer (which I have from my old Dell computer I purchased many years ago). <br>
<br>I was succesfully able to play music thru my speakers and subwoofer... while I was in bed sleeping. It was very pleasant!!! :-)))<br><br>However, Amarok had some message about not being about to do something because "dcopserver" was not there!?!?!?<br>
<br>Question: What Do I need to do on my computer to make Amarok work again?<br><br>This morning (Sunday, 4th Jan 2009) I rebooted my pc a few times... then I rebooted into the recovery mode. And fixed some things. It seemed to improve some things.<br>
<br>I then used the menu on the screen "System / Administration / Synaptic Package Manager" and I think I found the correct files to install the "dcopserver" and also some files for Amarok's "libvisual" thing! I then let Synaptic Package Manager do it's thing... And it downloaded and installed something! (I don't really understand what!)<br>
<br>Anyway I've switched off my pc and rebooted it etc. <br><br>Now when I try to start Amarok it does not start and I get a window with the following error message:<br><br>Amarok Error Message<br>--------------------------------<br>
<br>DCOP communications error (Amarok)<br><br>There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was:<br><br>Could not open network socket<br><br>Please check that the "dcopsever" program is running!<br>
<br>[OK] button<br><br>nb - I will happily provide extra 'system specs' or details if requested... but I'll admit that I don't really understand what type of computer it is. I know that it is quite new and I really like my pc... but I don't really understand what processor speed or whatever it has!!! :-)<br>
<br>It's rate myself as still a beginner at learning and using Linux Ubuntu Mint OS -- even thro' I've been using Linux Mint since sometime last year.<br><br>also... I don't like using the 'terminal' console command ... because it's new and I don't really understand how it works. *SMILE* I'll use the terminal command line when I need to... but I don't really like it :-)<br>
<br><b>Yours PEW -- a little bit baffled as to why my favourite music player, Amarok, is not working!!! *SMILE*<br></b><br><b>from North Hobart, Tasmania.<br clear="all"></b><br>-- <br>Fond Regards,<br>Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS <br>
from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675<br><br>My free website is: <a href="http://pewtas.googlepages.com" target="_blank">http://pewtas.googlepages.com</a> (or) <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs" target="_blank">http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs</a><br>
<br>(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)</font><br>
</div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Fond Regards,<br>Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS <br>from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675<br><br>My free website is: <a href="http://pewtas.googlepages.com">http://pewtas.googlepages.com</a> (or) <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs">http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs</a><br>
<br>(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)<br>