Hello Victor,<br><br>Your frustration at finding that things do not work as you expect them to work is understandable. At least you had a go.<br><br>In order to advise on sound and video, you would have to let the list members know just what kind of sound card you have and what kind of graphics card. It is perhaps a matter of placing a tick into the appropriate box but these boxes are organised differently from previous versions of Ubuntu in Hardy Heron.<br>
<br>To install VirtualBox-ose, in the terminal type: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-16-generic. After that, you will have to add yourself to the virtualbox users listing by typing: sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a victor (if victor is your log in name).<br>
<br>That will give you VirtualBox-ose but without USB support.<br><br>To install VirtualBox with USB, you will have to disregard the above and download VirtualBox 1.6.0 for Hardy Heron from the Sun website and install that version.<br>
<br>The VirtualBox issue you raised was answered two days ago - perhaps you have not read it yet.<br><br>Cheers,<br>Andre<br><br>