hey guys<br><br>thanks to everyone who came along to the melbourne hardy heron release party. I enjoyed myself, its always good to see people you have been chatting to online.<br><br>we had around 10 people there. good spread of experience with ubuntu. apologies to the guy who wanted to install ubuntu on top of windows without creating a partition (a new feature of 8.04). we did'nt get it working. apologies to the guy who was wondering where all the linux babes were.<br>
<br>thanks to horse bazaar for providing the venue. loved the video projections in the background!<br><br>slight co-ordination hitch with the release party. hardy heron was'nt actually released till about an hour after the party finished.....<br>
<br><a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jellyware/sets/72157604705126162/">click here for pictures </a><br><br>peter<br><br>-- <br><a href="http://www.peter.id.au">www.peter.id.au</a>