<br>Dear UBUNTU People,<br><br>This email's subject says it all: <br>Please help me to understand commands for the Gnome-VFS-Obexftp program<br><br>This is a bit complicated so I'll try to get my facts correct. *SMILE*<br>
<br>I will happily supply more technical details as requested. (As long as I myself can work out what you need to know)<br><br>( I'm still only a newbie at Linux UBUNTU ... however, I love it. I think that UBUNTU is superior to M$ Windows in so many ways!!! )<br>
<br>I'm trying to install software which will let me use a small device called a "USB Bluetooth Dongle" (which I currently have plugged into one of my computer's USB ports) communicate with my new SAGEM my411x mobile phone.<br>
<br>My (limited) understanding is that I should be able to use software on my pc to communicate with my SAGEM mobile phone and exchange phone numbers, pictures, video, and music etc. This sounds like a good thing to do.<br>
<br>Some time ago I posted a message about me wanting to do this and someone recommended the "gnome-vfs-obexftp" program.<br><br>To cut a long story short... I think that I have correctly install the software, however *I don't know how to use it*.<br>
<br>This is a website about the "gnome-vfs-obexftp" program:<br><br><a href="http://blogs.gnome.org/jamesh/2007/01/03/gnome-vfs-obexftp-01-released/">http://blogs.gnome.org/jamesh/2007/01/03/gnome-vfs-obexftp-01-released/</a><br>
<br>after downloading the files and having problems understanding what to do, I decided to email both of the 2 authors of the program<br><br>Mikael Hallendal <<a href="mailto:micke@imendio.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">micke@imendio.com</a>><br>
Richard Hult <<a href="mailto:richard@imendio.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">richard@imendio.com</a>><br><br>Mikael kindly replied to my email with this message:<br><br>Mikael said the following in an email to me><br>
<br>I'm sorry but I have to admit that I can't remember the steps needed<br>to get that installed (or where to put the GnomeVFS plugins).<br><br>If you are on Ubuntu Linux you should be able to simply install it with<br>
<br>'apt-get install gnome-vfs-<span id="st" name="st" class="st">obexftp</span>'<br><br>Sorry that I can't be of more help but I have not touched that code in<br>two-three years.<br><br><end quote<br><br>I decided to use a terminal (shell) and I entered the following commands:<br>
<br>sudo -i<br>(prompted for password)<br>apt-get install gnome-vfs-<span id="st" name="st" class="st">obexftp<br><br>This then proceeded to install the </span>gnome-vfs-<span id="st" name="st" class="st">obexftp 0.2 program and some other files too.</span><br>
<br clear="all">Basically, what I'm trying to say is:<br><br>I think the program installed okay... but I don't know how to test it or the commands to use to operate the software.<br><br>Yours Faithfully and Perplexed,<br>
PEW ;-)))<br><br>-- <br>Fond Regards,<br>Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS<br><br>My free website is:<br><a href="http://pewtas.googlepages.com">http://pewtas.googlepages.com</a> (or) <a href="http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs">http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs</a><br>
<br>(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)