Hi,<br><br>Looks like it's working properly now. There was a new Compiz Fusion build, and I installed that and my taskbar's back again.<br><br>Thanks for the help James and Michael.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Norman<br>
<br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 8/29/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Michael Clayfield</b> <<a href="mailto:michaelc@granths.sa.edu.au">michaelc@granths.sa.edu.au</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Hi,<br> After logining in and out again does the panel reappear? also when<br>it does dissapear, try pressing alt+F2 and typing in 'kicker' then<br>hitting enter, this should load the taskbar up again.<br><br>Michael.
<br><br>Norman Ma wrote:<br>> Hello,<br>><br>> Sorry about that. I'm running pretty much a fresh Kubuntu<br>> installation, except for Compiz Fusion as mentioned before, and Pidgin<br>> (downloaded from GetDeb).
<br>><br>> I don't think I did anything in particular that could have made my<br>> panel disappear. I was browsing the net in Firefox, and had Pidgin and<br>> Amarok running in the background. I minimised Firefox, then sort of
<br>> clicked on the desktop and the panel suddenly disappeared. Strange,<br>> because I've never seen this thing happen before.<br>><br>> I installed GNOME by opening up a terminal, and everything works from
<br>> there.<br>><br>> Cheers,<br>><br>> Norman Ma<br>><br>> On 8/28/07, *James Takac* < <a href="mailto:p3nndrag0n@gmail.com">p3nndrag0n@gmail.com</a><br>> <mailto:<a href="mailto:p3nndrag0n@gmail.com">
p3nndrag0n@gmail.com</a>>> wrote:<br>><br>> On Tuesday 28 August 2007 21:05:09 Norman Ma wrote:<br>> > Hi all,<br>> ><br>> > I logged onto my computer today to realise my KDE panel, with my
<br>> taskbar<br>> > and application icons, has gone missing. It's not really<br>> interfering with<br>> > my work much, since I alt-tab around anyway, and I can run<br>> programs from
<br>> > command, but it is bugging me and I can't think of any way to<br>> get it back.<br>> > Any ideas?<br>> ><br>> > Could it have something to do with my running Compiz Fusion?
<br>> ><br>> > Cheers,<br>> ><br>> > Norman Ma<br>><br>> Hi Noman<br>><br>> Apart from working out that you're likely using the kde destop<br>> (aka kubuntu),
<br>> you give us little to work with. What happened prior to your current<br>> predicament? Mabe it's software related but we're not given any<br>> clues. Any<br>> clues you can give us will be helpfull. Compiz fusion? I don't
<br>> know enuf to<br>> coment on that. Was there anything else u installed b4 this prob<br>> surfaced?<br>> Not trying to throw out current ideas, rather trying to find ount<br>> what has
<br>> happend. Maybe I can help. Maybe someone else can. Either way. The<br>> more info<br>> ewe get, the better the chances<br>><br>> James<br>><br>> --<br>> ubuntu-au mailing list
<br>> <a href="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</a> <mailto:<a href="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</a>><br>> <a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au">
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au</a><br>><br>><br><br>--<br>ubuntu-au mailing list<br><a href="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br><a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au">