<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' CONTENT='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'></HEAD><BODY><SPAN style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-WEIGHT:Normal;'>Hey all,<br><br>Resident furry lurker has a problem. Under Kubuntu, feisty, i've developed a big issue with knetworkmanager. I needed to do some manual setings to make my network work a while back, and used the new 'manual configuration' item in the knetworkmanager menu. This worked all ffineand dandy, but now it refuses to allow me to auto conig networks, making it very hard to connect to wifi.<br><br>I've tried nuking it, the NetworkManager, and also the KDE configurator that is used to edit network settngs(knetworkconf) but to no avail.<br><br>Anyone have any ideas? I guess these settings must be stored per user, but have no idea where. <br><br>Help would be much appreciated, as google has no clue what i'm on about. <br><br>Cheers!<br><br>Smacky, the sydney wolf.</SPAN></BODY></HTML>