Hello all,<br><br>Just to clarify a few points:<br><br>The issue with the font size, as most people will not know the whole story of, is that the font was too small and Chris used the only thing he could use - the FCKeditor WYSIWYG editor that comes with the site - to increase the size on the front page, and the options in the menu of the editor include 'x-small' and 'small', applied through a <font> tag. James noticed this <font> tag, which breaks the validation, as well as being rather redundant as CSS is used for just about everything else anyway.
<br><br>This will be fixed, either with a stylesheet or inline styles - <p style="text-size: medium;"> and the like. But could we please stick to the point? The site is about the content, not the presentation. If users can read the text, great. If the font tags aren't loaded by some browsers people will see the font size as the stylesheet defines it, and the XHTML validation doesn't matter - we're here to tell the world about Ubuntu, not to please the W3C.
<br><br>As for the issue of the font itself, there seems to be fallbacks to Verdana, Arial and Sans-Serif so it should display fine on all relevant systems (Ubuntu, XP and OS X). Admittedly, Comic Sans MS probably wasn't the best idea, I'll test the site without it.
<br><br>Please be aware that if you request Chris to fix up font sizes and stylesheets and everything, he's restricted to using the online editor and can't edit the stylesheet himself anyway.<br><br>The issue of PPC Ubuntu is probably worth mentioning on the site as well. It should be ok if we don't mention 'PowerPC' and stick to 'mac version' or other simple terms.
<br><br>As for accounts for LoCo members, we could always have a non-live wiki or a mini update board or similar, but then again we have the mailing list for that purpose.<br><br>Akash<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">
On 1/20/07, <b class="gmail_sendername">Chris Jones</b> <<a href="mailto:chrisjones@comcen.com.au" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">chrisjones@comcen.com.au</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
There seems to be some confusion with the text size. Some have suggested it's<br>too small and some too large. In fact, I have looked at the sizing and it's<br>already set to small. The next setting down, x-small, is simply too small and
<br>becomes near on impossible to read. Especially for those on high resolution<br>monitors. Many users may not be aware that Firefox has the ability to increase<br>and decrease text size of a website. I can only suggest you make use of it.
<br>After all, that's what it's there for.<br>Getting text size right is a thing in web development. You can't please<br>everyone. It's all about finding a balance in between. Anyone in web development<br>
themselves will understand this.<br><br>Now, moving on to the font issue. I have tested, my end, on Windows desktops and<br>several Linux distros and the text is displayed correctly each and every time.<br>Why some of you suggest you have to install additional Windows fonts, is beyond
<br>me. I've had no issues.<br>I have changed the font however. Let me know what you think.<br><br>I am aware that Ubuntu can be used on the Apple PowerPC structure. However, I<br>was reluctant to include any information about it due to all Apple computers
<br>being sold now are using Intel hardware. Whether the PowerPC Ubuntu is<br>compatible with the new Intel Macs, I have no idea. If somebody wants to email<br>me and let me know that would be great. But until I am wiser on the issue, the
<br>mentioned information will be absent.<br><br>The Contact Us page. I am not quite sure what you want to see on this page<br>(genuine question)? I could add my Ubuntu Wiki URL so that users can navigate to<br>it to find out a little more about me.
<br>Let me know what you think about that idea?<br><br>The Staff Login issue has been addressed. Thanks to Akash for that. Cheers mate!<br><br>It was pointed out that I didn't mention anything about Edubuntu or Kubuntu. As
<br>the site is designed for the absolute 'newbie', I thought that adding different<br>variations, or flavors, will simply confuse the potential new user.<br><br>Akash did suggest that we may give other LoCo Member Login Accounts so more
<br>users can contribute to the site.<br>I wish to state my opinion, if I may?<br>Initially, I would like to just keep Akash and I as the main contributors. This<br>is not me being selfish, as it may seem. Let me tell you why.
<br>I feel that if more users contribute, more information will be posted. It sounds<br>good and all, but the information that gets posted, the more distant the site<br>becomes more distant from the original concept of, 'Keeping it simple for the
<br>newbie'.<br>The last thing I want to do is confuse someone with too much information that it<br>turns them off Ubuntu before they even begin.<br><br>Thanks for all the feedback and keep it coming. It's what makes a website develop.
<br><br>Regards<br>Chris Jones<br><br><br>--<br>ubuntu-au mailing list<br><a href="mailto:ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">ubuntu-au@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br>
<a href="https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-au