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Hello all,<BR>
Some of you may remember last week my original sample website that I posted for the Mailing List to see. Well, the results are nothing but good news.<BR>
I received literally loads of emails of support, suggestions, feedback and even links to add. All were positive. And I have only just got around to replying to them all. So I wanted to thank all those who took the time to email me. It really did inspire me to go forth with the project.<BR>
I had offers of domain name, hosting and site design that I took up. Special thanks to Akash and Wayne for that (you know who you are!).<BR>
The end result is now online at <A HREF="http://www.whatisubuntu.com">http://www.whatisubuntu.com</A><BR>
Please take this opportunity to direct any Ubuntu 'newbies' to this URL to give them a basic and non-threatening introduction to our Ubuntu world.<BR>
Feel free to let me know of any feedback too. An outside view is always appreciated.<BR>
Chris Jones