<div>hey guys</div>
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<div>sorry I did'nt make it to the meeting last night. I was working late and Yuki and I could'nt get a irc/putty connection out of my work to join the meeting. For future reference, does anyone know of a way of connecting to irc via a browser?
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<div>In the last week I have posted out 2 ubuntu install cd packs to people from the aust loco team wiki and a further 9 from people who work for the same company as me (I posted on our bulletin board) total= 11</div>
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<div>Briefly had a look at the log from last nights meeting. seems like more efficient cd distribution got a mention. Would be great if we could somehow burn the discs and do the covers locally rather than getting shipit to send tons of cds all over the world (I find this kinda novel for such a well networked company). I'm happy to continue with distribution/co-ordination of distribution, but I don't have any contacts with anyone in either Linux Aust or ubuntu that could help us with money/resources for a ramped up distribution channel (this could be a goal for dappers release...)
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<div>maybe we can work out a novel way of raising money to get our own Dapper discs pressed here!<br clear="all"></div>
<div><br>-- <br><a href="http://www.peterbaker.id.au">www.peterbaker.id.au</a> </div>