New Local communities health check process

Joel Addison jaddi27 at
Thu Sep 19 13:19:14 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I have created the 2013 Verification Application for Ubuntu-AU. I have filled in several details, but I am sure there is still more to be added. In particular, I would like to see the Activities section updated to include all activities we have run from 2012 to now.

You can find the application here:

Please take a look at it, and either add details to it, or reply here to the mailing list and I will update it.


Joel Addison

On 19/09/2013, at 9:43 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:

> Just a quick heads up, I got an expiry notification today stating we had a week left before our status expired. I have asked for a short extension due to the change in process however I'm not sure it will be granted. 
> The process for verification is much simpler and easier than approval however I have not had the time personally to set this up as yet. If anyone would like to lead the efforts all we need is a bit of a wiki page with the details below that would be greatly appreciated. Once a draft is created please post to the list so we can all add in details as necessary. The draft should not take more than half an hour or so for anyone with basic wiki skills.
> If however there is no one with the time or interest in doing this I will take it as a sign that the team does not really want to pursue keeping it's official approved/verified status. 
> On 31 August 2013 13:01, Joel Addison <jaddi27 at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I think we should add this to the agenda for the next meeting, which should be on Sunday 8 September.
> It is worthwhile doing the health check, even if just to ensure we have everything documented and up to date. It seems to be much easier now, and much less time consuming compared to the old process, which is a step in the right direction. Lets aim for the document to be open by 8 Sept, for people to contribute to it from then on, until we need to submit it.
> Joel
> On 31/08/2013, at 12:55 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:
>> Good morning all,
>> I also thought I should forward on the message below as it relates to "re-approval" which is now known as verification. If anyone wants to champion the creation of the verification health check please let me know and we can get started. We are actually due for a health check this cycle so this change will affect us shortly.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Bhavani Shankar R <bhavi at>
>> Date: 26 August 2013 00:09
>> Subject: New Local communities health check process
>> To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts" <loco-contacts at>
>> Cc: community-announce at, Submit and discuss any Ubuntu related news stories <ubuntu-news at>, Submit and discuss any Ubuntu related news stories <ubuntu-news-team at>
>> Dear All,
>> As the subject says, this process will be the new process, aiming to
>> replace the current re approval process. It aims to be less formal,
>> more interactive and above all still keep people motivated to be
>> involved in the Ubuntu community.
>> Every team shall be known as a LoCoteam, teams that were previously
>> known as an “Approved LoCoteam” shall be known as a “Verified
>> LoCoteam”. New teams shall be a LoCoteam, teams do not have to be
>> verified.
>> The term Verified means that a  Launchpad team has been created, the
>> team name conforms to the correct naming standard and the team contact
>> has signed the Code of Conduct.
>> Every two years a team will present itself for a HealthCheck - This is
>> still beneficial to everyone involved, it gives the team a chance to
>> show how they are doing and also the council can catch up with the
>> team.
>> What is needed for a HealthCheck?
>> Create a Wiki with the activities of the period - Name the wiki page
>> with Name of your team plus the YEAR example -
>> "LoCoTeamVerificationApplication20XX" with the below details:
>> Name of team
>> How many people are in the team
>> Link to your wiki page / Launchpad group page
>> Social Networks (if they have any of them).
>> Link to loco team portal page, Events page, Paste events page - this
>> is a good reason to encourage teams to use the team portal as all of
>> the information is there and saves duplication.
>> Photo Galleries of past events
>> Tell us about your team, what you do, if you have Ubuntu members in
>> your team, your current projects.
>> Guideline of what you plan on doing in the future
>> And any meeting logs if available.
>> Teams will still remain verified this is just to check in and see how
>> things are doing,
>> If you can’t make a meeting, it can be done over email/Bugs.
>> All in all, the process should remain pretty much the same.
>> If there are any questions about the new process please don’t hesitate
>> to discuss and ask :-)
>> On  behalf of the Ubuntu loco council,
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Bhavani Shankar
>> Ubuntu Developer       |
>> --
>> loco-contacts mailing list
>> loco-contacts at
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Jared Norris
>> -- 
>> ubuntu-au mailing list
>> ubuntu-au at
> -- 
> Regards,
> Jared Norris

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