Fwd: Global Jam is Coming. Please Plan Your Events

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 07:28:41 UTC 2013

Good afternoon all,

The reminder for the Ubuntu Global Jam popped up on the loco-contacts
mailing list yesterday so I thought I'd pass it on. The email below has all
the details and it would be good to see if we can get some involvement. In
the past we've successfully been able to run online events which are good,
lets see if we can get some in person events going as well this year. If
you're interested just speak up, no one person has to do all the work,
we're a team!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Randall Ross <randall at executiv.es>
Date: 6 February 2013 11:03
Subject: Global Jam is Coming. Please Plan Your Events
To: loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com

Hi LoCo people around the world,

It's official! The Ubuntu Global Jam (RR edition) will occur March 1-3,

We have just under a month to get our preparations made and to make this
UGJ the biggest and best ever.

Please put a placeholder on your calendars and at
http://loco.ubuntu.com, reach out to people in your communities, and
begin your planning activities. Packaging, testing, translations,
documentation, advertising/marketing, building community through social
events... everything is welcome! No jam is too small. No idea is too wacky.

More details will be coming soon both on this list, on Planet Ubuntu,
and beyond. In the meantime, please get ready for the UGJ weekend.

Thanks in advance.

Ubuntu Buzz Generator

loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com


Jared Norris
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