Fwd: [Linux-aus] Monash Computer Co-op

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 07:55:56 UTC 2012

Good evening all,

I happened across this email on the linux-aus mailing list and thought
it would be a great opportunity for our team. If anyone is interested
in trying to get a group of people together to support them lets
discuss it on list. So Melbournites, anyone have a few spare hours? I
think we could rustle up a box of CDs to donate to them to go with the
support as well. Ideas?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bianca Gibson <bianca.rachel.gibson at gmail.com>
Date: 12 January 2012 11:24
Subject: [Linux-aus] Monash Computer Co-op
To: linux-aus at lists.linux.org.au

I'm in the Monash Computer Co-op, a group that provides refurbished
computers to disadvantaged students. We will be installing GNU/Linux
(not sure what distro yet) on the refurbished machines. We're looking
for any expressions of interest of people that would like to help with
training members of the co-op to train users with the software. I know
it's hard to say when we don't have software specifics, we should be
able to sort that out in February. It's expression of interest, no

We are based at the Clayton campus in SE Melbourne, and meet during
University hours on Fridays during semester, but for the training we
should be able to organise another time.

 We are always looking for hardware donations of computers or parts
that are no longer needed, and anything is appreciated.

Thanks, Bianca

linux-aus mailing list
linux-aus at lists.linux.org.au


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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