Doing work experience - suggestions in Brisbane?

Dave Hall dave.hall at
Thu Feb 23 10:58:21 UTC 2012

On 23/02/12 18:25, Boden Matthews wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've got work experience at the end of next term and end of term 4, 
> and Mum wants me to find a place to apply for work experience 
> (apparently if I don't do it more than a term in advance, I won't get 
> a place anywhere). Anyway, does anyone have some suggestions on where 
> I could go for work exp. that are reasonable technology-focused in 
> Brisbane? Even better if it's Linux-related, but I'll take what I can get.
Check out the OSIA members directory at  One of the 
members might be interested in taking you on.  I would recommend coming 
up with a short list after checking their sites then calling a few of them.


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