video documenting of events

Joel Addison jaddi27 at
Tue Sep 13 02:20:11 UTC 2011

For recording your desktop, or live streaming, this short post about webcamstudio on omgubuntu [0] might be useful. 

I have installed Webcamstudio, and it appears to be working, but I haven't tried streaming or recording yet.



On 12/09/2011, at 10:52 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:

> The combination of
> On 12 September 2011 12:02, Boden Matthews <boden.matthews at> wrote:
>> For live streaming, I'd recommend, I broadcast a Photoshop
>> livestream when I make sprays for my Counter-Strike: Source clan.
>> Regards,
>> Boden Matthews,
> and
>>> sorry, my system locked up while trying to access :(
>>> so what was decided?
> and the knowledge that I know a lot of other Ubuntu teams use Ustream
> I have gone ahead and created both a youtube [0] and a ustream [1]
> account. One for live streaming, one for sharing after the event. Now
> all we need is content,
> I'm willing to make the ustream account available to anyone who is
> listed as hosting an event on the loco.u.c AU team page so if you're
> organising an event and you have a webcam available drop me a line.
> As for the youtube account, I think there are already enough places
> rebroadcasting everything available on every topic, should we limit it
> to UbuntuAU team created projects (either by groups or individuals
> from within the team) or? I'm happy to hear suggestions and be given
> content.
> As discussed on the IRC meeting I'm looking at setting default
> licensing to CC-BY v3 unless anyone has any concerns. Both accounts
> have been set up to mail to the team mailing list owner so they will
> forever be accessible by the team.
> Get creating!
> [0]
> [1]
> -- 
> Regards,
> Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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