Ubuntu 11.10 CDs

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 06:20:02 UTC 2011

Good news team,

Now that we are an official LoCo again one of the support functions is
that we are entitled to some pressed CDs for each version - described
here including what type and how many [0]. So in the interests of
transparency if anyone has any requests for batches of them (10 - 50)
please submit a request to the mailing list for discussion. I don't
want them sitting around collecting dust either here or anywhere else
but I can't really afford to post them all out individually either. So
I'm looking for ideas that will see them USED.

Ideas anyone?

[0] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

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