[Blueprint ubuntu-au-iso-l10n] Ubuntu-AU ISO l10n

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 03:54:57 UTC 2011

Blueprint changed by Jared Norris:

Whiteboard changed:
- decide on defaults and what to include/draft from main spec -- INPROGRESS
+ decide on defaults and what to include/draft from main spec -- TODO
  create wiki page for -au defaults - DONE
- invite team to add suggestions for defaults via -au ML - DONE, added pad
+ invite team to add suggestions for defaults via -au ML - TODO
  research popular/appropriate au radio stations - TODO
  extra documentation - TODO
  wallpaper/culture art - TODO
+ Some brainstorming available at http://pad.ubuntu.com/s5Asqt2GWm

Ubuntu-AU ISO l10n

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