Adelaide Natty Release Party Report

Sam L thelandofwa at
Mon May 2 10:19:25 UTC 2011

Hi all,
Let me say off the bat that the event was unfortunately not preserved
through the amazingness that is digital photography owing to the fact that I
forgot to bring it along. (Sorry Jarred, next time I won't forget). The
event was held on Friday the 29th of April 2011, we had four people in
attendance, so it was a small group but good none the less to meet up with
fellow Ubuntu-AUers. Unbeknownst to me the royal wedding was scheduled for
that night so going to a British pub at that time was an unfortunate
oversight. The atmosphere once that event began to air on TV made casual
conversation a rather arduous task. Besides this, it was really great to
meet both dns_server and Thomas... it is thanks to Thomas that my netbook
now runs 11.04 (and that the troubleshooting was so quick). dns_server was
nice enough to distribute some Ubuntu stickers (thanks!) and a 10.10 CD
(which went to a friend of mine who has yet to use Ubuntu properly but now
wants to try it out). It is clear that everyone in attendance had a passion
for free software and particularly, the Ubuntu philosophy. Being relatively
new to Linux, the community aspect is most exciting to me and I look forward
to the next release party (and further meetups besides) in the future. [If
the idea of meeting up on a more regular basis is of interest to anybody do
let me know]. Hopefully next time we can get higher numbers and a day and
venue where we won't have to lose our voice trying to drown out William
saying "I do".

- Sam (somethinginteres)
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