Ubuntu-AU Social Media

Jared Norris jrnorris at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 00:37:51 UTC 2011

On 1 June 2011 09:15, Paul Gear <paul at libertysys.com.au> wrote:

>  On 31/05/11 21:03, Joel Addison wrote:
> ...
> I have added an item to the agenda for the next meeting on June 10 for
> us to discuss social media use. For those who cannot attend the meeting,
> please send through your thoughts to the list so they can be raised at
> the meeting.
> I won't likely make the meeting, so here are my thoughts:
>    - You don't really need to justify using social media - it's a question
>    of how, not whether.  When so much news & information happens through them
>    nowadays, it's irresponsible *not* to use it if you want to get a
>    message out.
Totally agree with this statement. Sorry if the original email wasn't clear,
we're trying to work out the how part. Should we be using a single account
for each service or try to set up a group on each service for everyone to
join? I'm told there are distinct benefits to both setups so we were trying
to work out what would be best for the team before we started regularly
using it and then decided to change to another method.

>    - You can set up Twitter to feed from identi.ca so that you don't have
>    to send the message twice.  Even @user and #hashtag mentions come across OK
>    - although i haven't run into a situation yet where i mention a person how
>    owns an identi.ca account and someone else owns the twitter account of
>    the same name (except for me - i'm paulgear on identi.ca and paulgear1
>    on Twitter).
> Yep, this will depend on if we go the group or single account route
according to my research this is easily accomplished with the single account
model but I can't see how setting up groups would achieve this, but I could
be wrong.

>    -
>    - Don't tweet too often - any more than once or twice a day is too
>    much.  Keep it slow & steady.  Give tweets time to percolate through the
>    twittersphere.
Exactly, LoCo related stuff only that would benefit the team. We're not
simple going to spam everyone all the time otherwise I'd be unsubscribing

>    - I personally don't look at Facebook very much for technical stuff.  I
>    prefer to keep FB for social stuff and Twitter/identi.ca for technical
>    stuff.  But that seems to be just me, mostly.  Lots of people tweet about
>    inanities.
The theory was if we're going to do one we may as well do all 3 and cover as
many people as possible.

>    -
>    - Why would you wait for a meeting to get started? Go for it!
When we were discussing it on IRC and neither of us could defninitively say
if the account or group setup on each service would work best for us so we
were hoping someone else in the team had some experience to share. Sorry if
it wasn't made clear about that.

> Paul
> --
> Sent from my ThinkPad, powered by Linux

Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)
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