LCA 2011 Open Day - THIS SATURDAY!

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Sat Jan 29 14:30:22 UTC 2011

On 29 January 2011 22:19, George Patterson <george.patterson at> wrote:
> At the risk of becoming a +1...
> Well done Jared. While I had put my name down for helping to set up, I
> was whisked away by Pia Waugh's flood clean up work party. (which was
> very productive).
> For those that didn't/couldn't make it, I'll paint a word snippet
> picture. After the conference desk, you see the Ubuntu-Au table. So a
> prime position. From the LCA organiser's point of view, it's better to
> put something that is a public name.
> The next LCA is in Ballarat so we'll have to figure out what do do there.
> Regards
> George
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 7:20 PM, James Beake <jamesbeake at> wrote:
>> Hear, hear. couldn't agree more. Great job Jared!
>> Cary, you will be pleased to know that your "sales pitch" to my daughter had
>> a positive affect and on the way out she whispers to me, " Ok dad, I'll let
>> you install kubuntu on my long as I can still boot the mac os". A
>> small win but a win none the less.
>> Look forward to catching up soon.
>> James (bejames)
>> On 29 January 2011 18:14, Cary Bielenberg <cary at> wrote:
>>> Well Jared what a wonderful job! It was organised & executed perfectly
>>> with plenty of people & media/goodies. The quality of posters etc was
>>> excellent too:-) I believe the Ubuntu spot if not the best it was up there.
>>> Good work mate!
>>> Cary AKA caryb
>>> On 26/01/11 22:11, Jared Norris wrote:
>>> Good evening Ubuntu-AU'ers,
>>> I hope those of you at LCA2011 are enjoying yourselves (I definitely
>>> am - if you're at the conference and want to catch up shoot me an
>>> email - jrnorris at or head_victim on IRC). I'm sorry about the
>>> lack of information about the Open Day changes but there has been very
>>> little to go on until now. The official website at
>>> has just now been updated
>>> with the new details. It is all still going ahead as previously
>>> planned except the location is now at the new venue of QUT Kelvin
>>> Grove in the QUT refectory in C Block (see
>>> for a campus map).
>>> From experience of this week there should be reasonable amounts of
>>> parking and if you're not sure where to park I would recommend "F
>>> Block". It's a multi level car park and only costs $6.00 for the whole
>>> day. It's only a short walk (unfortunately uphill to get there but at
>>> least at the end of the day it will be downhill) to get to C Block.
>>> If you can please add yourself to the roster at
>>> if you can come
>>> and help out. I have also added a note to the details on
>>> so if you can also
>>> indicate if you can attend (or not!). This isn't just for LCA2011
>>> attendees, this is an Open Day for EVERYONE in the area that is
>>> interested in anything Linux related. There will be lots of groups
>>> involved showcasing lots of projects.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jared Norris
>>> --
>>> He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
>>>   - Sir Winston Churchill
>>> --
>>> ubuntu-au mailing list
>>> ubuntu-au at
>> --
>> ubuntu-au mailing list
>> ubuntu-au at
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at

Thank you all for your kind words, I would love to take credit for the
day but it was a true team effort. We had a great mixture Canonical
staff organising stuff & helping out on the day and Loco team members
helping out as well. For those who weren't there the Ubuntu Release
Manager (Kate Stewart) and the Ubuntu Hardware Enablement Kernel Team
Manager (Hugh Blemings) both assisted the team on the stand and both
became the unofficial documenters for the day, there are pictures to

I plan on doing a proper write up for the website and the Ubuntu
Newsletter in the coming week so I'm sorry this is a bit brief. I will
also be doing a write up on the wiki about what worked and what didn't
so that in future we can all draw on each other's experience to
improve our efforts over time.

One thing I did want to mention that due to a combination of the
location change within a week of the event and some confusion over
some ordering we do still have an abundant supply of Ubuntu 10.10 32
Bit Desktop CDs. If anyone has any ideas how we can make good use of
these (I think having them sit around until 11.04 comes out is a bit
of a waste) I am all ears and will even chip in any reasonable postage
costs. I would prefer to not be sending them out individually as this
will get expensive quickly as we are talking about a couple of hundred


Jared Norris

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