Left over CDs from the LCA 2011 Open Day
George Patterson
george.patterson at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 13:50:21 UTC 2011
Hi Jared,
On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon all,
> In the interests of transparency I thought I would let you all know
> that the all of the spare CDs have been now been distributed amongst
> the community. Over the past few weeks the Ubuntu-AU team has been
> able to send bulk CDs to:
> Sydney - to be distributed amongst high school IT students - thanks
> Matthew Boden!
> Melbourne - to be used for the Ubuntu-AU ongoing CD distribution
> efforts and also for use with groups like Computer Bank & Linux Users
> Victoria (LUV) - good work Peter Baker!
> Brisbane - donated to Home Unix Brisbane User Group (HUMBUG) to use to
> distribute to new IT students at various O week functions in the
> coming week as part of their efforts.
> Paul Gear had been organising a sticker order for the team as well so
> when that seemed to fall through somewhere along the line we were able
> to make up the order from the CDs and sticker left overs. I'm lead to
> believe these have all now been distributed as well, good work Paul,
> sounds like you were able to get a heap of them out.
> I apologise for making these decisions quickly but with less than 2
> months before the new release which will make these CDs obsolete I
> wanted to make the best use of them as quickly as possible. I'm now
> confident the vast majority of the CDs we had leftover will not be
> sitting in someone's garage or bedroom cupboard just waiting to be
> used but will now actually be put to good use as they were intended to
> by Canonical.
Agreed! Even doubly so!
Having been involved in some other open source events, the worse case
scenario is when the CD/DVDs are sitting in someone's Lounge room
untill they complain that they are taking up space. They miss the
point where they are not supposed to be sitting in someone's
house/workplace! Don't laugh it has happened! I'd say that the CD's
have a useful life of maybe a month or two, perhaps a little longer if
the recipient is still on dial up or 3G connection.
If someone believes that the left over media should have been
distributed differently, speak up and perhaps it can be addressed for
next year.
Next event is the 10.04 release party??
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