Ubuntu - never again - please read
James Takac
p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 05:58:17 BST 2010
Hi Terry
On Sunday 05 September 2010 13:48:51 Terry Brock wrote:
> I use ubuntu on both of my computers and except for normal hicups I have
> found it to work every time I think that whoever started this thread has
> not give th OS and the community a fair go
> Terry
Likewise I have 6 pc's with Ubuntu on them. # of them dual booting with
windows. 2 of those with Vista and one with win 7. Ubuntu 10.04 on 2 dual
boot systems working fine. All OS's have their hiccups. I had similar with xp
a few years back. Turned out to be a corrupted download of a service pack at
that point and left me having to reinstall xp from scratch. No matter what OS
is chosen there will be hicups at some point. Mostly minor ones and the
occasional hum dinger. Part of life. It happens
I'll repeat a Q now for Rob
Did you verify the checksum after downloading Ubuntu?
Did you run the media check on the disk b4 trying an install?
Did you burn the disk at your lowest possible speed?
Doing a fast burn can result in a disk that wont read well in less sensitive
Not checking the 1st 2 leaves you open to the possibility that either the
download was corrupted resulting in a faulty disk. or the burn didn't go as
well as should have due an a error at burning time that didn't get picked up
or a possible disk error re the cd you burnt to. I've had cd's fail in the
past for the above reasons. Maybe the your end?
As you (Rob) also don't give any specifics it's hard to pin down where your
problem is. Thousands of people as far as I know are using 10.04 so your
assertions only really relate to a bad experience your end. If had a dist
upgrade trash my system years ago but that hasn't soured me. These things do
happen on occasion. Sounds like you're quick to blame Ubuntu but not quick
to find out why your prob occurred. It's oft easier to just lay the blame
somewhere and then leave it at that. It takes work to actually go in search
of the real culprit
Why not help us to help you. The more you can give us re your situation the
better the chance of resolving your prob, e.g. hardware setup, how you burned
the disk, did you check the checksum or run the media check b4 installing,
how did you go about your install,............. The more info the better. I'm
thankful I didn't time a dist upgrade for this morning as the line
transformer blew. Had that happened in the middle of the upgrade I'm sure I'd
have to install from scratch. My point there is that many things can affect
your outcome. Maybe something you didn't notice
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