Australian Digital Education Revolutionbeing a BIG blow for Linux.

Paul Shirren shirro at
Wed May 26 07:39:25 BST 2010

On 26/05/10 1:27 PM, Steven O'Reilly wrote:
> I'm not sure where to begin trying to fix that!

It is a bit beyond the realm of mere mortals. A few people have tried I
think. Money and politics.

The DER netbooks get all the headlines but they are not the whole story.
We are one of the richest countries in the world and I would be
surprised if most kids didn't already have access to a computer at home
along with a console or two and a selection of mobile phones. So its not
like the bad old days when all they saw from birth to graduation was
Microsoft PowerPoint.

The kids who are really forgotten and need a big hand live in remote
indigenous communities and OLPCs are going to some of them - fully open
source stack where it counts and hopefully will be appreciated.

There is a lot people can do at a local level to engage with the
community including schools and teachers and make a difference. Everyone
loves TuxPaint, Inkscape, Audacity etc.

These netbooks will all be in landfill in 3 years. All the spoilt kids
are going to be a lot more interested in their Android phones, iPads, HP
WebOS Slates and ChromeOS devices than running Photoshop on an old
spyware laden machine with the grunt of a PentiumIII and probably half
an hour of battery life by then. The future is not all rosy if nobody is
able to challenge Apple but a few more years and Microsoft Windows will
not be a serious player anymore if current trends hold.

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