Proposal - Ubuntu-AU BugJams

Michael Chesterton chesty at
Wed May 19 11:11:25 BST 2010

On 19/05/2010, at 6:00 PM, Mitch Towner wrote:
> Hi Brett & the rest of the list,
> 	Brett, thank you for your comment. It creates the perfect opportunity
> for me to explain my reasoning for proposing Ubuntu-AU BugJams. I
> totally agree that this (a bugjam) is not one of the "prime objectives"
> of a Loco.

I don't agree that supporting ubuntu isn't a prime objective. It's listed in the wiki
right next to promote.
The bug jam is a cool idea, I did a bit of triaging years ago. It was fun, but 
challenging because there was a lot of competition to triage the easily
triaged bugs. The bugs left over were much harder. So, getting guidance 
will be great.

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