Formal v Informal structure

Cary Bielenberg cary at
Wed May 19 04:27:26 BST 2010

While exploring other Ubuntu groups I found the Ubuntu Catalan group, I was looking at there website & thought how inviting & refreshing it is!  





Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote ..   On 19 May 2010 12:27, Scott Evans <scott at> wrote:      On Wed, 2010-05-19 at 12:04 +1000, Paul Gear wrote:  On 19/05/10 11:11, Cary Bielenberg wrote: > Ok just got off my backside& had a look& on average the teams are 1 owner& between 2& 6 admins depending on the country. Interestingly the US has state based loco's. I guess we are way too small for that. As Andrew stated there is 2 models for this& we will have to decide what model/structure we take. > I've been thinking about the applicability of state-based LoCos as well. Assuming even population spread between states, and an identical per-capita take-up of Ubuntu between .au and .us (both highly flawed assumptions), .us has 309 million persons (very rough figure from Wikipedia) in 50 states, or approximately one LoCo per 6,180,000 persons. A per-state LoCo would give .au (22 million persons in 8 states - we'll count ACT & NT as states), or approximately one 
 LoCo per 2,750,000 persons. This is not really that different, and i wonder whether it wouldn't be more practical in terms of co-ordination and the like. Paul      It's a bit of a catch 22 either way, I had thought along similar lines but I think there would be a bit of a struggle to get sufficient numbers to make it work and remain working beyond initial set up  However I still believe that there should be a structure of sorts, but the pros & cons for me presently have me a bit muffed at it all and so while I'm thinking like this I'll most likely be a fence sitter (no helpful I know!) But lets also face it, the US wouldn't have it any other way now would they! (in jest)       Scott Evans VK7HSE Phone: +61362291658 Mobile: +61417586157 Skype: vk7hse scott at PGP/GPG Key ID 2B8CA152       -- ubuntu-au mailing list ubuntu-au at   Good morning/afternoon/even Ubu
 ntu-AU'ersThe main issue I see with separate state based locos is that it might just function for Qld, NSW, VIC, SA but I don't think the other states have enough active members to make it work. The issue then would be what if a new Ubuntu user from one of these states came along and saw no activity at all. I believe they would be more put off by that than if we had an Australian wide one like we do now. Hence why I think subgroups like what Andrew has done for Brisbane are the way to go for areas where there are higher densities of members. These should all be documented on the main wiki with their own separate page like the Brisbane group and all discussion should still be on the mailing list and IRC as it is still a Ubuntu-AU group of people. Regards,Jared Norris 
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