Tony "H.G" Candito blindraven at
Tue May 18 02:13:49 BST 2010

> suggesting people don't waste resources organising events which are
> probably already being organised.

OK, so how should be better endeavor to not tread on toes? how do we
know if things are "probably being organised" elsewhere?
Is this kind of probable information listed anywhere? transparently,
for us to see?, and who prioritizes these events in order of
 Example ;

I arrange a local meet in Newtown, but it turns out it's "probably
being organised" by someone, what, more important than I?
Sorry, I'm just trying to understand your meaning so I'm not left
thinking it's more hidden ego stroking, or the preparation of such.

It's a pretty worrying concept to think that resources are being
wasted not on not organising meets because they're probably being
organised, but not organising meets because of that, when it's not
being organised at all. Now is your opportunity to re-read that :P it
make sense, I promise.

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