Getting reapproved

Paul Shirren shirro at
Sun May 16 03:45:03 BST 2010

On 15/05/10 8:32 AM, Andre Mangan wrote:
> Who or what is jdub?

jdub is a past Gnome release manager, SLUG president and early Canonical
employee and has done a lot more besides. In 2003 or 2004 when I posted
a comment about how I wished Debian had a desktop orientated branch with
regular release schedules, Jeff was the guy who replied to me suggesting
I would want to check out this new Warty Warthog thing. He introduced me
to Ubuntu.

The behaviour of a handful of people on this list has been very poor in
my opinion. I think the campaign has been personal, misdirected and
pretty much lacking in direction or even the hint of constructive outcomes.

I think getting reapproved is a necessary part of burying this episode
and getting back to normalcy. Then this list can go back to being help
for newcomers and advocacy which I think is where it does the most good.

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