Getting reapproved

Tony "H.G" Candito blindraven at
Sat May 15 13:55:09 BST 2010

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 8:45 PM, Jared Norris <jrnorris at> wrote:
> This same small
> group of people then flooded the mailing list with email after email
> essentially just rehashing the same thing over and over again.

Lot's of hidden ass-kissing and contradictions. People weren't helping
precisely because Mellisa has the "keys" to the car in the first
place, and the very prospect of that being up for dispute made people
contribute (if you'd call talking about said keys going to someone
else contribution). I'm not sure how this is not all blatantly

These walls of texts aren't going to do much good. Telling people they
have "freedom to do whatever" is one of the reasons the LoCo was
rejected, there is no direction, support or ownership in it's current
structure, and I don't care how controversial it is to say it's
because of who's in place.

The only way I see things progressing going forward, is a new slate.
Right now a few people seem to think it'd be a good idea to re-build
on the dirty one, and the dirty one clearly didn't work.

Flame on.

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