Do you want to see an official Australian Ubuntu LoCo?

Joel Addison jaddi27 at
Sat May 15 07:33:19 BST 2010

I may not have been a very active contributor (due to time constraints 
with high school), but I certainly don't want to see the Australian 
Ubuntu LoCo disappear.

Definitely a Yes from me.

Joel Addison

On 14/05/10 14:03, Lisa Milne wrote:
> Well, with comments such as "you are flogging a dead horse" floating
> around it appears there are some who don't want to see an official
> Australian Ubuntu LoCo. Which is fine, if you don't want one, you don't
> have to be involved.
> There are of course many that do want such a thing to exist, there may
> be varying opinions on what the structure should be, who should be in
> charge, etc. etc. But lets get down to basics, regroup, and see who's
> willing to get involved:
> Do you want to see an official Australian Ubuntu LoCo?
> yes or no?
> (yes from me)

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